President Obama's first days

And so the polls are out... People are relatively optimistic about the future... or at least the fact that they have the possibility of not completely failing in this economy if they are somewhat responsible with their funds. I can say that, from what I've seen, he's been keeping his word for the most part; keeping us informed of what he's doing and not going on vacation during a time of economic crisis. And we all love the fact that he is the first black president. Good. But...

Of these first few days, Im thinking... Something still doesn't feel right... Part of me feels more like a puppet in a scheme of some grandios plan that's secretly happening while the wool is pulled over my eyes. Put another way, there's a part of me that feels like I'm being set up. I can't explain it. I won't say that its all President Obama's doing or anything like that. I'm just a little uneasy. With Bush, I knew he was in the oval office messing up. I knew it. You saw it on the news all the time. You saw it on CNN. He was completely detached and unaware of what was going on within his own nation (or was he?...). Yes Bush, I hate to inform you but, gas WAS $4 and no we haven't forgotten that Saddam Hussein tried to kill your father.


And so we spend 6+ years justifying and supporting a personal vendetta; watching the gas prices rise as a result of the "climate" caused by Bush in the middle east. We could go on about all the conspiracies of 9/11 but the question we need to answer is "Why?" Why would Bush start all of these incomplete works that he knew he would never finish in his term? Why would he make so many hate him? Was it oil? Would you send people to die so that you could make profit, meanwhile destroying the economy and the value of the dollar at the same time?

Insert President Obama here...

President Obama comes in and paints the picture of McCain as another Bush and God knows we don't want that. So we attach to Obama tighter than a extra "smedium" polo shirt on a baby elephant. He hits the ground running and every three days we see this fella on TV explaining what he's doing. And thats when I start having flashbacks of an old relationship that I had. She seemed to try too hard to convince me of one thing. So much so that it almost made me more skepticle of what was being told to me. Its backwards I know. But to be honest skepticism is healthy. If our government woulda been a little more skepticle of Bush's motivations, there wouldnt have been a war.

Side note: How do you have a war on terror? Just think about that. A war... on Terror. Define Terror: "intense, sharp, overmastering fear." You're sending guns and bombs to battle fear?!? News flash: You fix "terror" by fixing peoples' mentalies, not blowing people up. Buy anyway... Back to the story.

So now we say "Obama is doing great!" And he is... Compaired to the physically and verbally abusive relationship we just got out of. But I wonder if everything is as it seems. Fear can be used to control the people. Bush brought the fear...

But what do I know? I'm just the Journeyman; Talking loud to draw a crowd.

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