Maybe I'm wrong but... I read this article online and the last paragraph got me to thinking... Why would someone of "low risk" volunteer to have a "this will stay with you for the rest of your life" virus pathogen injected into their bodies in an effort to develop a vaccine for AIDS? Yeah, I know that the pathogen is supposed to have all of the "virus causing" elements removed BUT... (you can say what you want about me for saying it) I aint willing to take that risk.
Can't do it.
Now... if they were testing CURES, THAT would be a different story. Im all for helping to find a cure. A cure to heal the multitude who are already affected would be worth a little risk. A vaccine to prevent somethin that I can "mostly" stay away from by abstaining?!? That's something I can pass on; even when its supposedly "finished". AIDS is the only thing outside of God that's "scary" enough to make the few relatively chaste people on the earth remain that way, or least practice "safer" sex and/or monogomy. And while sex is not the only way you can get AIDS, I would imagine the random chance of exchanging blood outside of hospitals is low. The prevenative maintainence is education. As for the vaccine, aint nobody finna stick me with HIV while I'm healthy; Pathogen or not. This sounds like a set up to me...