Introducing... Jay West

And now we have this guy.... Jay West.

If you don't know this guy... Maybe you should.

Or maybe you shouldn't.

No... You should.

He's a rapper. But not just any rapper. He's a "Lyricist" and that makes him better than a rapper, because he uses sentences, metaphors, similes; he has what the old heads call "F.L.O.W.". Quite different from this "I'm not saying anything but I'm riding the heck out of this beat" type of hip hop that the kids have become so accustomed to. He'll be at the A3C hip hop festival performing this weekend (Saturday to be specific), so go check him out.

At any rate, peep the video below. Its sort of a "Promo" for his mixtape Drugs + Candy. And be sure to check him out this Saturday night at the A3C festival.

(Disclamer: I'm not 100% sure if any animals got hurt in the making of this video and I dont think the drugs are real, but the video is almost like one of those Dos Equis "Most Interesting Man on the World" commercials... which makes it seem automatically cool.)

Follow him on Twitter by clicking here or check out his official website at

UPDATE: Here's another video showcasing his talent (if it works). Check it out too.

Jay West- Sticks + Stones from philthegod. on Vimeo.

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